Placeholder for publications and video material

University of Belgrade - Faculty of Physical Chemistry

Analytical methods in Environmental Physical Chemistry

RELAB One Minute Experiment 1.2

Odredjivanje koncentracije pesticida metodom ULJ,Vid spektormetrije

RELAB One Minute Experiment 2.2

Generisanje Wiegner-Seitzove celije

RELAB One Minute Experiment 3.2

Adsorpcija acetamiprida na zeolitima UV-VIS

RELAB One Minute Experiment 4.2

Odredjivanje tipa kubne kristalne Brave-ove resetke i parametara jedinicne celije

RELAB One Minute Experiment 1.0 UV VIS Pesticida


RELAB One Minute Experiment 5.0


RELAB One Minute Experiment 3


RELAB One Minute Experiment 6.0


RELAB RAMAN experiment


"View under the hood: Battery Charging"


"View under the hood: Battery lifetime"


"Cesium chloride - unit cell?"


List of videos contributed by Oct 4th 2022
