Placeholder for publications and video material

University of Kragujevac - Faculty of Technical Sciences

Experiments with the control of electrical motors

EM drive control with parameter set 1

Podaci_N.txt = [Time[s], K=0.20, Control (0-255), Output position [o - degrees]]; set point is 90 degrees

EM drive control with parameter set 2

Podaci_N.txt = [Time[s], K=0.35, Control (0-255), Output position [o - degrees]]; set point is 90 degrees

EM drive control with parameter set 3

Podaci_N.txt = [Time[s], K=0.50, Control (0-255), Output position [o - degrees]]; set point is 90 degrees

EM drive control with parameter set 4

Podaci_N.txt = [Time[s], K=1.00, Control (0-255), Output position [o - degrees]]; set point is 90 degrees

List of videos contributed by Oct 4th 2022
