Project Documentation

RELAB1 Erasmus+ Serbia
RELAB1 Fondacija Tempus

RELAB Project is sponsored by "Fondacija Tempus". These pages will describe planned Intelectual Outputs.

Intellectual outputs /start date Lead partner 2022, end date 2023, end date Note / Description
O1. Mechanisms and standards for OERs creation and publishing University of Kragujevac 28.02.23. Four editions *(in each 6 months updated) of one PDF document/book;
O2. “One-minute experiments” *(OMXs) UTARTU 01.02.23 Open repository with short and effective video illustrations of experiments with strong educational orientation *(and with/without AR)
O3. Tutorial for OMXs creation Cognipix 02.03.22. One *(or three) PDF document in English and Serbian, Estonian, Spain;
O4. “Digital twins” of real experiments *(DTs) University of Belgrade 01.02.23. One Tutorial for DTs integration (Cognipix) + min 5 DTs *(min 1 per academic partner); Cognipix: Software integration of DTs;
O5. WEB-Laboratory: design, implementation, maintenance University of Singidunum 01.02.22. Two WEB LABs for FPGA/Arduino programing and use
O6. WEB – Laboratory: Tutorial of technical design and implementation UNED 01.03.22. One *(or two) PDF document in English and Serbian;

Intelectual Outputs

This is the description of 6 intelectual outputs the project is bringing!

Project impact

This page describes anticipated project impact


References to external resources

Last modified July 3, 2019: Added links to user guide repo (d6aa89c)