The RELAB Erasmus + KA2 project, reference number 2020-1-RS01-KA226-HE-094550, deals with the issues of creating, publishing, and using several specific types of open educational resources (OERs)
- "One-minute" experiments (Short video forms)
- Digital twins of experimental realizations
- Web labs
- Guides for technical realization of the above-mentioned open educational resources
Project participants:
University in Kragujevac, Serbia
UNED Madrid, Spain
University Tartu, Tartu, Estonia
University in Belgrade, Serbia
University Signidunum, Belgrade, Serbia
Cognipix d.o.o., Belgrade, Serbia
RELAB at ResearchGate!
Links to Intelectual Outputs:
Some metrics:
The Relab created 75+ OMX clips, multiple tutorials, several digital twins and few software packages freely available to wider community!